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Press Releases & Related Links

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PRLog - Seven Star Hand's Press Room


PRLog, Nov. 13th, 2024 - Prophet Elijah Seeks Help From All Who Desire a Sane and Safe Future


PRLog, Nov. 8th, 2024 - Prophet Elijah Springs Modern Trap Using Ancient Sources


PRLog, July 8th, 2024 - Prophet Elijah Extends a Hand to Freemasons with Further Light


PRLog, June 25th, 2024 - Author Shows How to Restructure Monetary System to Eliminate Poverty and Homelessness

PRLog, June 25th, 2024 - Seven Star Hand Exposes Ancient Lies, Prompting Religious and Political Leaders to Retaliate


(Newswire) USA, July 18, 2014 - Return of AmenMoses Exposes Millennia of Religious Fallacy

(Exposing Religious Error and Deception) USA, July 20th, 2014 - Return of AmenMoses Exposes Millennia of Religious Fallacy


(Newswire) USA, March 17, 2013 - Ancient Symbology Illuminates Why Comet PanStarrs in Pisces Terrifies Vatican

(Vatican Lies Illuminated) USA, March 18, 2013 - Ancient Symbology Illuminates Why Comet PanStarrs in Pisces Terrifies Vatican


(Newswire) USA, April 27, 2012 - Talpiot Tombs Encode Stunning Proof New Testament is a Roman Deception

(Here is Wisdom) USA, April 27, 2012 - Talpiot Tombs Encode Stunning Proof New Testament is a Roman Deception


(Newswire) USA, April 12, 2012 - Jesus Discovery Team Accidentally Uncovers Christianity's Oldest and Darkest Secret

(Exposing Religious Error and Deception) April 12, 2012 - Jesus Discovery Team Accidentally Uncovers Christianity's Oldest and Darkest Secret


(Newswire) USA, January 19, 2012 - Fearing Apocalypse Unsealed by Seven Star Hand, Vatican Launches Counter Offensive


(Newswire) USA, January 19, 2012 - Seven Star Hand Solves Ancient Mysteries, Causing Panic Among Religious and Political Leaders


(Newswire) USA, January 19, 2012 - Defeating Long-Awaited Messiah Is Ultimate Goal Of NDAA, PIPA, and SOPA

(Vatican Lies Illuminated) January 18, 2012 - Defeating Long-Awaited Messiah Is Ultimate Goal Of NDAA, PIPA, and SOPA


(Newswire) USA, January 19, 2012 - Lawmakers Continue to Prove They Are Clueless About USA Founders True Intentions

(Exposing Religious Error and Deception) January 18, 2012 - Lawmakers Continue to Prove They Are Clueless About USA Founders True Intentions


(Newswire) USA, December 19, 2011 - Ancient Sting Operation Exposes Modern World Leaders' Darkest Secret

(Here is Wisdom) USA, December 19, 2011 - Ancient Sting Operation Exposes Modern World Leaders' Darkest Secret


(Newswire) USA, December 19, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Publishes Ancient Secrets, Confronting Religious Leaders With The Truth

(It's Symbology Stupid) USA, December 19, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Publishes Ancient Secrets, Confronting Religious Leaders With The Truth


(Newswire) USA, December 18, 2011 - Piercing Star of Bethlehem Mystery Illuminates Ages-Old Lies

(Exposing Religious Error and Deception) USA, December 18, 2011 - Piercing Star of Bethlehem Mystery Illuminates Ages-Old Lies


(Newswire) USA, December 17, 2011 - Fearing Proof of Great Crimes, US Lawmakers Frantically Shred Constitution

(Vatican Lies Illuminated) USA, December 17, 2011 - Fearing Proof of Great Crimes, Lawmakers Frantically Shred US Constitution

(The Open Press) USA, December 17, 2011 - Fearing Proof of Great Crimes, US Lawmakers Frantically Shred Constitution


(Forging New Paradigms) USA, November 22, 2011 - Proof that Money is Slavery by Proxy Causes Panic Among US National and Civic Leaders

(The Open Press) USA, November 22, 2011 - Proof that Money is Slavery by Proxy Causes Panic Among US National and Civic Leaders


(Here is Wisdom) USA, November 15, 2011 - Ancient Wisdom Provides a Simple Blueprint For a Wise and Just Civilization

(Newswire) USA, November 15, 2011 - Ancient Wisdom Provides a Simple Blueprint For a Wise and Just Civilization


(Forging New Paradigms) USA, November 7, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Illuminates the Collapse of the American Dream

(Newswire) USA, November 8, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Illuminates the Collapse of the American Dream

(The Open Press) USA, November 8, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Illuminates the Collapse of the American Dream


(Forging New Paradigms) USA, September 14, 2011 - Recent Hurricanes Destroy Key Scientific and Religious Assumptions

(Newswire) USA, September 14, 2011 - Recent Hurricanes Destroy Key Scientific and Religious Assumptions

(The Open Press) USA, September 14, 2011 - Recent Hurricanes Destroy Key Scientific and Religious Assumptions

**NEW** - Here is More Light - PDF ebook of all releases below

This series of press releases were written as a special supplement to Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols

Read online or download

NOTE: This is not a complete press list, merely a recent representative sample. Use a search engine to see more

(Grasping the MicroCosmic...) USA, August 14, 2011 - Doctrine of Two Spirits Proves the Truth About Seven Deadly Sins

(Newswire) USA, August 15, 2011 - Doctrine of Two Spirits Proves the Truth About Seven Deadly Sins

(The Open Press) USA, August 19, 2011 - Doctrine of Two Spirits Proves the Truth About the Seven Deadly Sins


(It's Symbology Stupid) USA, August 14, 2011 - Ancient Purpose of Cross and Four Elements Exposes Crucifix Deceptions

(Newswire) USA, August 15, 2011 - Ancient Purpose of Cross and Four Elements Exposes Crucifix Deceptions

(The Open Press) USA, August 18, 2011 - Ancient Purpose of Cross and Four Elements Exposes Crucifix Deceptions


(Vatican Lies Illuminated) USA, August 13, 2011 - Publication of Knights Templar Secrets Causes Panic in Hidden Circles

(Newswire) USA, August 14, 2011 - Publication of Knights Templar Secrets Causes Panic in Hidden Circles

(The Open Press) USA, August 17, 2011 - Publication of Knights Templar Secrets Causes Panic in Hidden Circles


(Newswire) USA, August 12, 2011 - The Lion Roars Onto IPads, Kindles, and Other Tablets During August

(The Open Press) USA, August 12, 2011 - The Lion Roars Onto IPads, Kindles, and Other Tablets During August

(Here is Wisdom) USA, August 11, 2011 - The Lion Roars Onto IPads, Kindles, and Other Tablets During August


(Exposing Religious Error and Deception) USA, July 14, 2011 - Great Seal of the USA Encodes Vital Messages to 2011 Freemasons and Others

(Newswire) USA, July 14, 2011 - Great Seal of the USA Encodes Vital Messages to 2011 Freemasons and Others

(The Open Press) USA, July 15, 2011 - Great Seal of the USA Encodes Vital Messages to 2011 Freemasons and Others


(Forging New Human Paradigms) USA, June 28, 2011 - July 4th, 1776 Was Deeply Symbolic Choice to USA's Masonic Founders

(The Open Press) USA, June 29, 2011 - July 4th, 1776 Was Deeply Symbolic Choice to USA's Masonic Founders

(Newswire) USA, June 29, 2011 - July 4th, 1776 Was Deeply Symbolic Choice to USA's Masonic Founders


(Forging New Human Paradigms) USA, June 22, 2011 - Founding of USA With 13 States Inspired by Ancient Egyptian Wisdom

(Newswire) USA, June 23, 2011 - Founding of USA With 13 States Inspired by Ancient Egyptian Wisdom

(The Open Press) USA, June 24, 2011 - Founding of USA With 13 States Inspired by Ancient Egyptian Wisdom


(Newswire) USA, June 14, 2011 - The Link Between 13 and Bad Luck Originated in Ancient Egypt

(The Open Press) USA, June 14, 2011 - The Link Between 13 and Bad Luck Originated in Ancient Egypt


(Newswire) USA, June 2, 2011 - Ancient Egyptians Modeled the Advanced Science Behind Karma

(The Open Press) USA, June 3, 2011 - Ancient Egyptians Modeled the Advanced Science Behind Karma


(Newswire) USA, June 1, 2011 - Joplin Tornado and Japan Earthquake Illuminate Universe's Hidden Features

(The Open Press) USA, June 1, 2011 - Joplin Tornado and Japan Earthquake Illuminate Universe's Hidden Features


(Newswire) USA, June 1, 2011 - Leaders' Misdeeds Cause Future Disasters For Their Nations

(The Open Press) USA, June 1, 2011 - Leaders' Misdeeds Cause Future Disasters For Their Nations


(Newswire) USA, May 26, 2011 - Doomsday Prophecy Failure Illuminates Religious Deceptions And Errors

(The Open Press) USA, May 26, 2011 - Doomsday Prophecy Failure Illuminates Religious Deceptions And Errors


(Vatican Lies Illuminated), May 13, 2011 - 9/11 Symbolism Proves Osama Bin Laden Was Not The Mastermind

(The Open Press) USA, May 14, 2011 - 9/11 Symbolism Proves Osama Bin Laden Was Not The Mastermind


(Newswire) USA, April 28, 2011 - Doomed Ancient Civilization Sent Us The Wisdom to Avoid Their Fate

(The Open Press) USA, April 28, 2011 - Doomed Ancient Civilization Sent Us The Wisdom to Avoid Their Fate


(Newswire) USA, April 28, 2011 - Ancient Wisdom Symbology Encodes Why Humanity Suffers Repeated Calamities

(The Open Press) USA, April 28, 2011 - Ancient Wisdom Symbology Encodes Why Humanity Suffers Repeated Calamities


(Newswire) USA, April 25, 2011 - Vatican and Religious Leaders Struggle to Hide the Long-Awaited Messiah

(The Open Press) USA, April 25, 2011 - Vatican and Religious Leaders Struggle to Hide the Long-Awaited Messiah


(Newswire) USA, April 12, 2011 - Ancient Pre-Egyptian Sage-Scientists Foresaw Our Current Predicament

(The Open Press) USA, April 12, 2011 - Ancient Pre-Egyptian Sage-Scientists Foresaw Our Current Predicament


(Newswire) USA, March 28, 2011 - Ancient Symbology Encodes the Wisdom to Solve Humanity's Persistent Problems

(The Open Press) USA, March 29, 2011 - Ancient Symbology Encodes the Wisdom to Solve Humanity's Persistent Problems


(Newswire) USA, March 24, 2011 - Unfolding Apocalypse is Vatican's Worst Nightmare Now Realized

(The Open Press) USA, March 24, 2011 - Unfolding Apocalypse is Vatican's Worst Nightmare Now Realized


(Newswire) USA, March 14, 2011 - Prediction of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Stuns Religious and Political Leaders

(The Open Press) USA, March 14, 2011 - Prediction of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Stuns Religious and Political Leaders


(Newswire) USA, March 8, 2011 - Decoding of The Great Seal of The USA Exposes Deceptions

(The Open Press) USA, March 8, 2011 - Decoding of The Great Seal of The USA Exposes Deceptions


(Newswire) USA, March 3, 2011 - USA Founding Fathers Encrypted Time-Capsule Decoded

(The Open Press) USA, March 4, 2011 - USA Founding Fathers Encrypted Time-Capsule Decoded


(Newswire) USA, February 22, 2011 - USA Founders Embedded Star-Time Code in National Symbols

(The Open Press) USA, February 23, 2011 - USA Founders Embedded Star-Time Code in National Symbols


(The Open Press) USA, January 28, 2011 - Seven Star Hand Solves Ancient Mysteries, Causing Panic Among Religious Leaders


(The Open Press) USA, January 27, 2011 - More 33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help End Wars and Widespread Injustice

(Newswire) USA, January 26, 2011 - More 33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help End Wars and Widespread Injustice


(The Open Press) USA, January 14, 2011 - 33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help Awaken World from Long Nightmare

(Newswire) USA, January 13, 2011 - 33rd Degree Secrets Published to Help Awaken World from Long Nightmare


(The Open Press) USA, January 11, 2011 - Publishing of George Washington's Deepest Secret Designed to Shame Lawmakers

(Newswire) USA, January 11, 2011 - Publishing of George Washington's Deepest Secret Designed to Shame Lawmakers


(The Open Press) USA, December 29, 2010 - Dead Sea Scrolls' Burial Secret Completely Exposes Ancient Lies

(Newswire) USA, December 28, 2010 - Dead Sea Scrolls' Burial Secret Completely Exposes Ancient Lies


(Newswire) USA, December 15, 2010 - Seven Star Hand Unveils Death Blow in War on Christmas

(PRWEB) USA, December 9, 2010 - Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols Unveils Death Blow in War on Christmas


(The Open Press) USA, December 7, 2010 - Fearing Apocalypse Unsealed by Seven Star Hand, Vatican Launches PR Offensive

(Newswire) USA, December 7, 2010 - Fearing Apocalypse Unsealed by Seven Star Hand, Vatican Launches PR Offensive

Read the lead-in to the following post to see the purpose for the Nov. 8th, 9th, & 10th press releases shown below

Vatican Lies Illuminated 11/11/2010 - Seven Star Hand Solves Ancient Mysteries, Causing Panic Among Religious Leaders

(Newswire) USA, November 10, 2010 - Seven Star Hand Publishes Ancient Secrets, Confronting Religious Leaders With The Truth

(Newswire) USA, November 9, 2010 - Seven Star Hand Unseals Ancient Sting Operation Against Religious Leaders

(Newswire) USA, November 8, 2010 - Seven Star Hand Solves Ancient Mysteries, Causing Panic Among Religious Leaders

(Newswire) USA, October 25, 2010 - Ancient Symbol Mysteries Solved at SevenStarHand.org

(Newswire) USA, September 27, 2010 - Symbology Researcher Solves Pivotal Ancient Mysteries

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