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Vaticinia Nostradamus (Lost Book...) Analysis

Illuminated Vaticinia Manuscript Links

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Following is a list of sites with freely accessible digital images of the Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts that I have used to present this detailed analysis of the Vaticinia Nostradamus or Lost Book/Manuscript and its associated genre of so-called "Pope Prophecies."

These digital image collections were not easy to find for someone not already intimately familiar with this genre and the history of illuminated Vaticinia (illustrated prophecies) or even where these manuscripts might be hosted. Also, there are multiple languages represented. Babel Fish and Google Translate were lifesavers. I succeeded and can now present an extensive organized gallery of these images, also sorted by Vaticinia Nostradamus plate number, and truthfully interpreted, to help blow through the smoke and mirrors and prove to everyone what they were trying to hide, and why.

The sites listed below are those I found in the US and Europe with freely accessible digital Illuminated Manuscript and Vaticinia image collections. The Vaticinia Nostradamus, which was the subject of the book Nostradamus: The Lost Manuscript by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti and The Lost Book of Nostradamus on the History Channel and DVD is used as a pivotal key to decode the true meaning of the associated symbology, thereby "shining a glaring light" upon an entire age of Vatican deception and abominable evil. The other key is my earlier book in which I decoded and documented the ancient wisdom symbology evidenced throughout many ancient texts and concepts, but most especially those flowing from Egyptian, Nubian, and Hebrew historical connections.

Contrary to Vatican lies throughout the entire last age, (11th through the 16th, 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar, hence "six stars"...), these Illuminated Vaticinia and the canons of all three so-called Faiths of Abraham are verifiably based on the same ancient wisdom symbology flowing from Egyptian, Nubian, and Hebrew historical connections, knowledge, and pivotal concepts. Consequently, here is proof beyond disproof that all three Faiths of Abraham are purposeful Roman deceptions.

All of the following collections are found in the image gallery I've used to support my detailed research and analysis of this genre and of those who have used it to deceive, both now and over the past several centuries.

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Some of the source sites for these image collections also have higher resolution versions of the images than I used, if needed for your own curiosity and analyses.

Stiftsbibliothek Kremsmünster: Vaticinia Pontificum

Hs 86851 Vaticinia de summis pontificibus / Papstprophetien

Foto Marburg:
Bildarchiv - Foto Marburg

You'll have to perform your own searches here since the sessions are uniquely coded with a set time-out period. I used the following terms to find the collections used in this analysis.

Vaticinia Pontificum
Joachim Fiore

French Illuminated Manuscripts
Ministre de la culture - Enluminures
Lyon - BM - ms. 0195

British Library Manuscripts
British Library - Arundel 117
British Library - Harley 1340

University of London - Warburg - Vaticinia_Siue_Prophetiae
Vaticinia_Siue_Prophetiae Catalogue Record
Direct Download link for the PDF File - http://www.sas.ac.uk/warburg/pdf/fhh150w.pdf

Spencer - Digital Scriptorium Collections:
Spencer Collection 212
Spencer Collection 223
Spencer Collection 185

Beinecke - Marston MS 225
Beinecke Digital Images-1
Beinecke Digital Images-2

Pierpont - Morgan Library

Image Galleries Index

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